5 Steps to teach your child for potty training

The idea to go to the potty can be daunting for both mother and child. The main thing to consider is whether the child is ready to potty: in this case the process will be much easier and faster. Read to find out how to teach your child to use the potty, across the board with advice on how to find out if it's ready, to create a routine of potty, to praise his achievements by offering small rewards. Ready, steady ... potty!

1. Preparation

Learn to recognize when your child is ready. It is important that your child is ready to behavioral learning to use the potty, because in this case the process will be quick and easy. The "when" is subjective and varies between 18 and 36 months of age. In general, girls are a bit 'more precocious - the average is 29 months for girls and 31 for boys.
You can tell if your baby is ready observing the following signals:
Interest in the bathroom and how others use it.
Good motor skills - including that of walking to the bathroom, take steps and drop their pants.
Good language skills - to be able to understand instructions and words related to bath, as well as the ability to communicate his need to go.
predictable peristaltic movements and ability to maintain the dry diaper for more than two hours.
Understanding - through words or facial expressions - of when they need to pee or anything.
Desire to please parents or act in chorus.
You should never push the child if it is not ready: you will endure and the process will become frustrating, as well as wasteful in energy level. Give your son another month or two and it will be easier.

Remember that it will be a long thing. The only thing you need at this stage is patience! Educate your child to the potty is a stage, it does not happen overnight. You and your child need to work together and overcome incidents and moments of despair. Even if parents feel that they have succeeded in two days, it is normal that in reality we want to even six months.
Seeks to encourage and support your child consistently and manage every incident calmly. Remember that no child has a degree in this matter: we will just do it!
You may also notice that your child is already accustomed to the potty during the day but at night continues to wet the bed until age five. Within the six years it should resolve, but be prepared and uses a plastic sheet.

Get what you need. A potty is the simplest and least intimidating thing for a child who needs to learn how to break away from the diaper. You are of all shapes and colors; those who remember a cartoon or a character loved by your son are perfect, they will feel at ease and happy to use it. You should also consider finding a potty with a removable seat that you can place on the toilet once the child is ready.
If you decide to use the water from the beginning, be sure to have an upward so that the child feels secure and stable once sat. This removes any fear of falling into it.
At first considered the idea of ​​bringing the potty in the playroom or living room. In this way the child you will get used to the idea of ​​feeling less afraid to use it. It could also be encouraged to use if you at your doorstep.

Choose the right time. This way you have the best chance of success. Evita to establish this routine if your child has just undergone another change - for example, if it came a little brother or you have moved or started kindergarten - because it could be stressed and it would increase his condition.
Choose a time when you will be at home with him, so he will feel comfortable and secure.
Many parents choose to educate the child to the potty in the summer months, not only because they have more free time to spend with them, but also because the child is wearing fewer clothes and it is easier to strip.

Define a routine. In this way the child will understand that you have a new responsibility and will remember you must do alone. To get started, try 2-3 times a day, putting the child on the potty and leaving for a couple of minutes. If you get used, very good, otherwise do not worry. He should only make us a hand.

To encourage your child, choose the moments in which you think might need the bathroom, like early in the morning, after meals and before going to bed. You can also give him more liquids if you will, so help her digestive system.
Make the potty part of his pre-bedtime routine: put him on his pajamas, lavagli the face, teeth and then Fix it on the potty. Soon they will remember him alone.

2. Make So that the child gets used to the potty

Let him know the potty. Let us make friends, I understand that the potty is not anything scary or intimidating. Put it in his rec room, where it can sit suit while reading a book or play. Once you are accustomed or he likes the potty, you can go to the toilet.

Show your child how to use it. The child needs to understand what "need" the potty. To explain it, try to take away the dirty diaper and pour the contents into the potty. Tell him that it is there that "poop" and "pee" go. Alternatively, you can place the contents of the diaper in the toilet and say "hello hello" when downloading.
You can show him how taking it with you when you have to use the toilet. Him sit on the potty while you are on the toilet. With a little 'luck, in this way it will encourage to use the potty like a "big boy" or "big girl."
If possible, better than the boys go to the bathroom with Dad! But he avoids teach them to pee standing at the time: would confuse the two (and end up littering all). For now, let them sit on the potty for "either way"!

Let him sit on the potty at least 15 minutes a day. So you get used to degrees - for example 5 minutes to three times a day. Encourage him to go, but do not fret if you do not. Praise him if he tries and let them know you try again later.
If you are impatient, try to give him a game or a book with which to entertain, so do not feel the potty as a punishment.
Never force your child to sit on the potty if you do not want: in this way would only resistance, making it more difficult.

Use the correct words. Try not to confuse it with vague words to describe the act of using the bath or body parts. Use direct and simple terms, as peaceful as "pee" or "potty."
Never use words like "dirty" or "disgusting" to describe the natural bodily functions, because the child could end up ashamed of their actions, which would have a negative impact on the whole process.
If a child is feeling anxious or embarrassed by the use of the potty, it may start to hold back, which would cause health problems such as constipation or urinary tract infections. For this reason, it is vital that you feel comfortable.
Be spontaneous with your child will give you confidence and will know that you're proud of him because he uses the potty properly.

Stay with your child while using the potty. Children can experience a lot of anxiety in these times and for various reasons - if they are on the toilet may be afraid or scared of falling in the sound of flushing. Others may consider what comes out of their buttocks as part of them that they are losing in the potty. That's why it is important that you are with your child at the time of potty training, at least initially.
Smile, praise him and uses every time a calm and relaxing tone. You can also try to sing songs or play a game with him, so now associate the potty at something funny.

Read the theme books. Many parents have found that books about toilet training would provide valuable advice. Books are often funny and encouraging, with images to which the child may be associated.
Involve them in the whole process and asking him questions asking him to highlight certain objects in the drawings. Once you finished reading, ask him if he wants to try to use the potty like the child of the figures.

3. Create the Good Habits

Learn to recognize the signals that indicate when your child "has to go." If you succeed, you can take him to the bathroom quickly and encourage him to use the potty instead of the diaper.
Some common signals are: a change or a break in what he is doing; get in the squat position; cling to the diaper; vocalize, becoming red in the face.
You can help your child to recognize these signals asking "Do you need the potty?" or "You have to do a poo?" as soon as you realize. Encourage him to tell you when he needs to go.
Remember that some children will be reluctant to stop doing what they are doing, especially if you are playing, only to use the potty. You will need to encourage them by praising them for doing so that they know what is useful to go to the bathroom!

Leave the baby a couple of hours a day without diaper. Many parents recommend the removal technique of the diaper and leave him naked for a bit 'of time. Kids will love the feel and learn to recognize the signs of the "need" without the diaper represented by the safety net.
Remember that if you use this method, there will surely accident - but one (or five) may be what you need your child to understand the importance of the potty!
Do not get caught anger or disappointment if captain, clean up calmly to reassure that the next time will be able to get to the potty. If the reproaches, it could become anxious and begin to restrain himself.
Many parents do not like diapers pants because they are not as absorbent as let you know if your child is wet or not. Without the hassle, the child will not understand the signals for it to arrive on time in the bathroom. If the child is naked or wearing cotton linen, there will be no mistakes! [5]

Make use of the potty part of the morning or evening routine. It must become normal for your child, and the best way to teach is to incorporate the potty in an existing routine.
Siedilo on the potty after you brush your teeth in the morning and before the evening bath. If you do it every night without marking the visit, your child sit on the potty by himself!

Show him how to clean themselves properly and how to flush the toilet. Explain how important it is clean up before getting off the potty. Rendigli easier access to toilet paper (preferably decorated)! Remember that for girls it is important to clean themselves with a movement from front to back to avoid carrying faecal bacteria.
At first the baby will need help to cleanse itself especially after having done it, but it is better to teach him to do alone.
Once done, let him have the honors of pulling the water and to greet the one who goes away. Congratulated him on a job well!

Remind your child to wash their hands after using the potty. Children usually are eager to get back to what you were doing before but you have to stress the importance of washing hands after using the potty.
To encourage him to wash them, take a stool with which can easily reach the sink and buy him an antibacterial soap with a soft color that will be used.
Teach them a song to use while you wash your hands so you will not be tempted to hurry. Let them sing the alphabet when it starts to wash up and tell him that you have to stop only to the letter Z!

4. Addressing Successes and Failures

Praise the child because he is trying. The most important thing during toilet training is to offer endless encouragement, whether he can be otherwise. Praise him for every success, since he tells you that you should go and when you lower the panties alone, that sits on the potty for a full minute. Even if it does nothing, tell him that he was good to try and will try again later.
Only careful not to over-encourage him. Offer praise mildly, not too excited. Otherwise it would become the pressure and bringing it to be anxious to please.

Offer a reward for his small successes. Many children respond well to incentives for using the potty. What you choose to give will depend on the parenting style and how the child responds. Here are some ideas.

Food: Some parents use the candy as a reward. For example, you could give him three little M & M's or a jelly every time I manage to get to the potty on time. Other parents are cautious in the use of food as a reward because they think too much influence future habits of the child.
Table with the stars: another motivator known to parents is the table to fill with stars that the child will apply. Each successful it would be given a gold star to stick to the board. Sometimes, the star is enough to motivate the child to use the potty correctly, while other times the parent provides an additional premium to the achievement of a predetermined number of stars during the week (a ride to the park or a fable more before bed ).

Toys: Another good option is to buy small games (nothing great, a collection of animals or cars) and let the child choose one each time he uses the potty properly.
Piggy Bank: some parents offer monetary incentives for children to use the potty! Put a piggy bank in the shape of suckling pig in the bathroom and let us slip inside 5 cents each time your child uses the potty. Once full, the child will be able to buy something like an ice cream or a toy car.

Share the good news. A great way to encourage your child to use the potty is proudly make it known to other family members. By the great news to mom or dad when they get home. Or tell it to the grandparents or uncles together with the small.
By staying positive, encouraging positive reactions from others as well as yourself, let your child a positive impression about being "big."
Another trick that parents use is to involve a family member or friend to interpret the phone the favorite hero of his son. Dora the Explorer, Spiderman or Scooby Doo - whoever the favorite character of the child. Telling their hero to success with the potty and going praised as a result will make them feel proud!

Not blame the little if anything goes wrong. Punish him and scold him is one of the more vetoes when it comes to potty training issue. Remember that your child has recently developed the ability to recognize when he needs to go to the bathroom, so it is still trying to learn. If he ran away, it was not intentional.
As said before, rebuke him for not being able to use the potty can cause him anxiety. In turn, the small might start to retain the needs, which would result in serious physical and psychological problems.
If your child has had problems with this, reassure him that all is well and that the next time we will succeed. Let him know that you're proud of him because he tried it and sure that soon will use the potty like a big baby.

Be patient. The potty can sometimes be a stressful and frustrating change for parents, but remember that it is a temporary thing and that little sooner or later "will do it." Do not panic if your child develops problems in the running of things. When it's ready, then everything will settle.
If your baby does not seem inclined to potty training, it's best to suspend the routine for a while ', a month or two, and then try again.
Remember, some children do not come off from the diaper up to three years and is perfectly normal!

5. Bringing Education to a Higher Step

Do choose to your son / daughter of the "big boy underwear." Once the routine of potty is established, you can take it with you on a shopping spree and let him choose from big knickers. This way, you will feel proud of himself because he can bring and it will put him in a good mood! Lasciagliela wear at home even if you continue to mettergli the diapers at night or when you're around: accidents can always happen.
The cotton linens will be beneficial to the child because they feel if it is wet, which is not easy with the diaper.
In addition, the baby will be so glad to have those new panties that will be reluctant to wet them and then will notify diligently every time!

He brings the potty when you move around. Get used to using the potty or toilet at home is one thing, but the unknown baths may intimidate children who may refuse to use them. You can avoid this and also to put the diaper bringing you behind the potty if you travel. The potties with removable seat are the best solution because the child can do his business in his seat even if it is in another room!

Teach your child to pee standing up. Once your little man has figured out how to do, it's time to up the ante and teach him to pee standing up. Dad in this case will be useful, giving a practical demonstration. Just remember that the aims of a child will not be perfect and then expect some attempt failed to make the center!
One of the best methods used by parents in this case is put some Cheerios or round shaped jellies in the water and tell the child to target those. In this way it becomes the act of peeing standing in a game that pleases the fluffy side of most of the boys!

From the news to the teachers and babysitters. If these two figures do not use the potty during your period of education, then your efforts may vanish. Take your time to talk to anyone to take care of the baby when you can not - they are the grandparents or kindergarten assistants - and politely explain to them how important it is to keep the routines taught.
Tell 'em what are the child's schedule and the words that usually uses to refer to the needs and demand them to do the same. This will prevent the child to get confused and upset to come to your routine.
Always carry a change of clothes, towel and some emergency diaper when you move with the child. This will make it easier for those who take care of the baby, help him feel less embarrassed in case of mishaps.

When your child is ready, go to training night. Once able to stay dry all day or so, it's time to go to the night phase. Buy a pair of plastic sheeting for children (at least 3, so you can easily change them) and match one below and one above. Search those that have the cotton in contact with the skin and the plastic below. Once made the bed, just the potty system away when the baby makes nap or go to bed at night.

Leave the bedroom door open and encourage them to call you if you feel you must go. If it does, faster Fix it on the potty while the praise for being good.
If he flees to bed, change the sheet without tragedies. Be calm and reassure. Remember that children can be up to six years before you stop it on me.

My advice

When you have time, you think about how you handled the issue potty - would you have changed something or not? You had to have more patience? Spend more time with your child to teach you? Talk more about it? Read more books about it? Keep a diary of progress? Avoid rush to yourself and to the small? Use this for next time and good luck!
Praises the virtues of the linens, so the child will be excited to wear it to feel "great." Find some panties with cheerful drawings that the child would love to wear.
Do not take the toilet training as something personal. While some mothers can make comparisons, remember that instead all good parents teach each child and that families are different all over the world!
Make it a fun thing. Sit on the potty is an opportunity to read books, play with small things or draw. Remember to stay with him in the room and use appropriate objects.
If your child is in kindergarten full-time and there is another method, then uses their method even at home.

Never talk about "big babies against those small" or "large and small girls"; It could have a negative influence on the confidence of the small levels.
Once the small no longer uses the diaper, never put it back.
If your child has problems with the bathroom and has more than four years, better go to the doctor and not ignore it. It could be a sign of a psychological disorder or a physical problem.
Not compare his skills to use the bathroom with those of other children. Never say things like: "Anna is still small and already bears the panties like a big girl, and you have diapers like a baby".
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Start potty training in 3 days